Thursday, January 03, 2008

working aunties and balancing people in MRT

Have u ever seen some working aunties in the mrt cabin vying for a seat in a fully packed train?? I find them very funny, they would do anything just to get a seat in the train.. when they see a seat miles away.. they would bang everyone down just to get to that seat.. end up! a bangala just slowly strolled to the seat.. and you can just see their face turn from astonishment to pure anger.. they would stare at the person like he/she owes her 1 billion dollars.. its like a kind of comedy that you would see everytime u take a mrt to work and home..

Today morning just saw one incident.. an auntie saw a seat at the other end of the train.. rush from one door to another door, then this guy just slowly walked and had that seat.. she bang into dunno how many ppl and just let the precious seat taken away.. then everyone was looking at her.. then she just stand in middle of the cabin waiting for a seat.. as the train stopped at one station, ppl starts to board and one guy in the CORNER SEAT (AUNTIES & EVERYONE LOVES IT MOST) stood up, she er hua bo shou, bu guan shan qi er shi yi, wanted to have that seat, then she bang into a pregnant woman.. she saw it and you can see her disappointment look and in turn the pregnant woman wanted to give up her seat to her.. but to prevent ppl from commenting her on the back, she sadly gave up the seat to the pregnant woman.. What a sad day for her~~~

I also admire people who stand in the mrt train without holding to any pole or handles.. I find them really amazing in their balancing act, some could even nap while standing freely.. clapzzz.. and now I think mrt trains have even upgraded to encourage people to hold the handles by making the handles to be on the nearer side of the seats instead in the center.. i think it is a good move as this would accomodate more people.. but still I wish someday those "balancing" people would fall down while doing their balancing act.. then it will be the highlight of the day for me..

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