Sunday, March 23, 2008


I changed the taillights MYSELF!

Living room

Dry Kitchen

View from my bedroom..

small pavilion


Saturday, March 22, 2008

moved on..

Yeah, moved on to another department as a perm staff at last.. Was kinda sad that most ppl were not around when Lirong and I left the office.. and after reaching home, realised I did not get SR to sign my timesheet.. gotta get it signed on MOnday.. Lucky I was still in the company as what LR had told me... HAHA yes it is... very happy that I am going back to level 5 but hopefully I wun get to sit in the same desk, before I left for level 2 or else it is kinda funny.. no scenery no nothing.. very sad if it is.. I am getting fatter by the day, IPT is going to finish which is great...

Im beginning to like crocodile office wear, nice and comfortable, it is fitting and it is also priced reasonable..

Wish everyone All the Best in the Marketing Department..

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Earth Hour

Save the Earth by switching off your electrical applicances and save fuel by not driving for one hour.. a little from everyone makes a big difference..! 29th March.. 8pm.. please do it together.. Thanks!

Saturday, March 15, 2008


its quite outrageous to wait for 2 hours just to take a x-ray that is less than... 4 mins of wait???
BUT... we were not that stupid and yet lucky.. while waiting.. in fact seeing that the queue is at 20+ when we were queued at 89... I intend to have the x-ray done on Monday.. then went to open a joint account with candy, went up again to see the queue.. 051... still got a long time.. so we decided to go and eat.. took about another half hour... went up again.. 087.. OoOooOO lucky.. waited for 5 mins.. registered, go to room 5, waited for 1 min.. took the x-ray and left... this is a very worthy 2 hours spent..

Wonder why it took so long.. and seeing so many people, why is it that there is only 2 counters opened for registration and 1 for poly only, yet the poly only counter could be used to register other patients as well..

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Mas Selamat = Micheal Scofield

I wonder when will Mas Selamat going to be caught... Maybe the one handling him will look like the warden in Prison Break (whats his name)?? stubborn, timid, bulky.. lets me think of bryan... HAHA..