Wednesday, November 08, 2006

What do you plan to do...

For all those readers with blog studying in Monash, TMC, SIM or whatever..

Do this list of "what you plan to do after your exams" then see if you have accomplished everything by the end of the holiday...

-1. Spend more time with Family
0. Spend more time with Candy
1. Clean my computer
2. Install Ubuntu
3. Attend IPT
4. Clear IPPT
5. Go MOS
6. Go Ayyub's Wedding
7. Try to save $$ for Aussie
8. Buy stuffs for Aussie Trip
9. Learn how to use Ubuntu
10. Win some money from Singapore Pools
11. Clean up my room
12. Find some work and get some $$
13. Hopefully sell some business strategies to my Dad.. hahaha
14. Spend more time with my friends.. (Esp Gary, Siangwei hahaha..)
15. Spend more time with Candy again
16. Pack my stuff for Aussie
17. Buy plane ticket for Aussie.
18. Buy Xbox360

Hopefully these will be accomplished by then...
Enjoy your days ahead...
Good Luck..

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